The Unanswered Question
When you know the Unanswered Question you need to be answered, and you're clear on that, the answer becomes clear as well.
What is it that is stopping you from saying, doing, and becoming more? The thing that's holding you back from your incredible next step? The thing that is limiting your future progress and success?
What's stopping you from taking action to step into your limitless future?
It's the Unanswered Question!
The Unanswered Question is the missing piece of the puzzle that allows you to clearly see the pathway forward, the correct next step to proceed. When you don't have the answer to that question, there's a lack of clarity. There is confusion.
And a confused mind says NO, and it refuses to take action.
So, what is your Unanswered Question?
For some, it's time. Do I have the time or can I make the time to do what I know needs to be done for me to move forward? Can I complete that degree or certification? Can I write that book? Can I launch that podcast? Do I have the time to start that new business?
If not now, then when? We all have 24 hours in a day. It's what we do with the time we've been given that makes the difference.
For others, it's money. Do I have the financial resources to purchase, acquire, or fund what I need to turn a goal from a dream into reality? If I invest the money, will this endeavor be profitable? If I start selling this product, will people really buy it?
Investing in yourself can be one of the best investments you ever make.
Or perhaps, it's fear. Am I confident, capable, and equipped to really do this? Do I believe enough in myself to take that next uncomfortable step and move forward, venturing into the unknown? What if I fail? What will people say?
It is OK, normal, to be afraid. But go ahead and take action anyway.
Family can also be an Unanswered Question. Will my spouse, partner, or children approve of my decision to quit a 9-5 job and walk away from a steady paycheck to start a brand new business? Will they mock or ridicule my desire to write a book, launch a podcast, make a career shift to do what I've always wanted to do?
Perhaps you need to do it anyway and prove them wrong.
The Unanswered Question for you may be doubt, a lack of belief and confidence in yourself. Do you truly believe in your heart of hearts that this is your passion, your calling, the thing you must do to reach and achieve your full potential?
Black Belt Leaders believe in themselves, and their calling.
Perhaps your Unanswered Question is one of perfection. Could it be better if I did this or that? What if I tweaked this idea just one more time or conducted just one more beta test? What if I went back to the drawing board once more to see if I might have missed something?
Don't get caught in paralysis by analysis and allow the pursuit of perfection, which you'll never achieve, to prohibit you from ever getting started.
Maybe your Unanswered Question is about a lack of clarity or a general lack of knowledge. You feel like you're looking through a foggy mirror or trying to navigate your course through a thick haze.
This is a learning question, and one easily solved by investing in yourself.
Hire a coach or mentor. Take a required course. Watch a YouTube video. Read (or listen) to a book on the topic you need to learn more about or seek clarity on.
So, what's your Unanswered Question?
What's holding you back from moving forward and getting one step closer to achieving your goal or objective, and experiencing more success in your life?
When you know the question to ask, the Unanswered Question you need to be answered, and you're clear on that, the answer to that question becomes evident as well.
Get clarity on the Unanswered Question, and it will soon be answered.
Now, you're clear on the path ahead.
Get moving!