
It's Not Over Until It's Over

The Unyielding Power of Persistence

The year was 1973. The New York Mets, under the leadership of Yogi Berra, were stuck in last place in the Divisional race after a disappointing, injury-plagued start to the season. In July, a reporter asked Berra if the season was over for the Mets. Yogi’s response was classic:

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

As the Mets’ key players returned to the lineup, things started to improve. The “don’t quit” attitude of the Mets led them to a come-from-behind victory to win the National East Conference, only to lose to the Oakland A’s in the 1973 World Series in a 7-game battle, 4-3.

Yogi Berra played in the Majors for 19 seasons. He was an 18-time All-Star and won 10 World Series championships as a player, more than any other player in MLB history. He was regarded as one of the best catchers to ever play the game and was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1972.

Yogi’s reputation followed him into the Coaching space where he was considered a “lucky charm” by the franchises who hired him. He was known for his quips, quotes, and his “never give up” attitude that he preached with religious fervor to his players.

When his team lost, Berra was fond of saying, “We made too many wrong mistakes.”

His “don’t quit” attitude was always present in the coaching tips and leadership lessons he shared with his players and fellow coaches:

  • Embrace the journey: Don't get too focused on the destination, but instead enjoy the day-to-day.

  • Accept change: The future is always changing, so don't get stuck on a past version of it.

  • Take action: Action can help alleviate uncertainty and transform ambiguity into insight.

  • Don't be afraid of risk: Use risk as an opportunity.

  • Never give up: Time to rethink if you find yourself making the same mistake twice.

  • Single-tasking is more effective: Focus on one thing at a time.

But of all the many Yogi-isms he espoused over his long, illustrious career, the one that he is most known for is the focus of this week’s leadership lesson:

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

Yogi Berra was spot-on in his observation. He understood that motivation will get you started, but it requires persistence to get you to the finish line (or in his case, the World Series).

I’ve previously shared, and something every martial artist knows, it is not how many times you get down, but how many times you keep getting back up. This is what Yogi was saying to the reporter, and sending a not-so-subtle message to his players he believed in them and the best was yet to come.

But, the Mets’ miraculous comeback isn’t the only time where persistence paid off.

In the 1960s, Westerns and Police Shows were a mainstay in the fledgling television industry. Gene Roddenberry was a freelance writer, scripting episodes for “Highway Patrol” and “Have Gun - Will Travel.” In 1964, he started producing his own TV show, “The Lieutenant.”

Things were good, but Gene had a vision for something new, different, and innovative. He believed America was ready for a new kind of Western, a “Wagon Train to the Stars.” Gene pitched his idea (and a script) to NBC and Desilu Studios, who commissioned a pilot episode.

Sets, props, and costumes had to be built, and Gene insisted that they be believable. He wanted the TV audience to believe the futuristic world they were seeing was based in Science. With a small budget, and a short window, Gene and his crew worked tirelessly to produce his vision for the future.

Production halted in January 1965, and the studio executives gathered to watch “The Cage.”

NBC wasn’t sold on the idea, and after seeing the finished product, they called it “cerebral and weird.” NBC was also concerned a small studio like Desilu couldn’t produce a science fiction mini-movie every week.

Roddenberry’s idea was shot down.

But, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.

Lucille Ball, namesake of the studio, believed the series could work, and even though she wasn’t a fan of the idea, but she knew television. Lucy convinced the NBC executives to do something unthinkable. She convinced them to allow Desilu to shoot another pilot. NBC reluctantly agreed, ponying up an even smaller budget for a second pilot episode entitled, “Where No Man Has Gone Before.”

With Lucy’s support, NBC agreed to produce the series and maintain the funding for at least one season. On September 8, 1966, “The Man Trap” debuted to a national audience, and opened with the following narrative:

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. It’s five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”

Star Trek went on to change the face of network television for 3 seasons and continues to entertain audiences through syndication some 50+ years later. Star Trek also spawned a growing list of sequels, both animated and live-action, including Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, and a host of new streaming series.

Gene Roddenberry understood Yogi Berra’s pithy quote well:

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

One more comeback story, and one that’s familiar as it’s recent history.

In 2016, a real estate developer and reality TV star assumed the highest office in the land, President of the United States. Donald J. Trump defied the odds to become the 45th President, stunning the political establishment.

Four years later, he lost in a close election to Joe Biden.

You know the story.

Once again, the pundits, pollsters, and prognosticators got it wrong and in November 2024, Donald Trump was elected in a landslide victory to become the 47th President of the United States.

The immortal words of Yogi Berra were personified once again:

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

So, what are the leadership lessons we can glean from Yogi’s quote and the lives of countless others who have lived and succeeded by this motto?

I believe there are six key takeaways:

First, Yogi’s quote emphasizes the importance of persistence, even in challenging or uncertain times. As a leader, it's crucial to maintain a mindset of resilience—never giving up or assuming failure until the final moment. Obstacles may appear insurmountable, but success often requires pushing through adversity.

Secondly, this quote suggests that our outcomes in life aren’t always predetermined. It serves as a reminder for a leader not to become complacent or see a situation as hopeless when it isn’t. Remember, it’s not how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get back up and get back in the fight.

Third, Yogi’s quote demonstrates the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. Napoleon Bonaparte, another person who overcame great odds, famously said, “Leaders are Merchants of Hope.” Yogi was reminding his players that as long as there is time, there is hope.

He understood his role, as a leader, was to inspire the Team to keep believing, even when things looked nearly impossible. Optimism, a positive mental attitude, is contagious. When shared, it infects others with a “Can Do” attitude that keeps them confident, engaged, and fighting for the win.

Fourth is a reminder that today’s loss doesn’t make you a loser. Sometimes you have to fail your way to success, and Yogi understood this. Success takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight. Just because you’re behind in the game, or staring down challenges or obstacles you didn’t anticipate, doesn’t mean it’s over.

Successful people understand that success often requires tenacity, patience, dedication, and persistence to play the long game.

The fifth takeaway from Yogi’s quote is a call to leadership. My mentor, John Maxwell, says it well, “People do what people see.” When Yogi’s players heard him utter these words, backed up by his coaching in practice, they witnessed him modeling an unshaking belief in his team, and the tenacity and persistence he wanted them to embrace and live out.

Leaders go first. They set the example they want those they are leading to follow.

Lastly, this quote reminds us, as leaders, we are to manage expectations and celebrate the Wins, even if they are small ones. I’ve heard Tony Robbins say many times, “What gets rewarded gets repeated.” No matter how bad things seem, there are always small victories that can be recognized.

Leaders also understand that progress is achieved one step at a time. This requires a purposeful plan to get the Team from where they are to where they want to be. Setting and managing expectations is part of that planning process, so everyone knows the way forward and holds everyone accountable.

Let me wrap up by giving you some practical tips on these six key takeaways.

Persistence: Stay focused and continue moving forward, no matter how dire the circumstances seem. Encourage your team to embrace the journey, the good and the bad, and apply the lessons from each to learn, grow, improve, and mature.

Focus: Leaders must stay engaged, but remain flexible and adaptable. Continuously assess what the Team is facing and make adjustments as necessary, but keep their focus on the ultimate goal before them.

Positivity: Cultivate a positive attitude where the team believes that success is always within reach. This sustains morale, even in difficult times. It also provides the motivation and persistence necessary to continue fighting for the win.

Commitment: Encourage your team to stay the course, even when there are two outs, it’s the bottom of the ninth, and it’s a full count. Commitment is taking one more swing at the ball, even when the game and the season are on the line. It’s stepping onto the mound and throwing one more fastball to strike out the batter who has already hit three home runs out of the park tonight.

Leadership: Leaders lead by example. Be the role model the team can emulate. When the team sees a leader calm, confident, and focused in the midst of difficult circumstances, the Team instinctively knows their leader believes in them and their ability to win.

Celebrate the Wins: Celebrate progress, not just the milestones. Every strikeout, fielder’s choice, every single or double, or double play is a win. Celebrate them. What gets rewarded gets repeated, so keep reinforcing what you want more of – and you’re more likely to get it.

Let me leave you with a quote from James Clear that pretty much sums up this week’s leadership lesson: “You can’t make a comeback if you don’t start.”

It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.”

Thanks, Yogi. Lesson Learned.

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