Hello Dr. Terry, I'm usually in agreement with most of your social views and positions. In some of your past blogs you've made reverence to your political views and I've taken them with a "grain of salt" however, today I felt compelled to address your comparison of Donald J Trump to a sports hero like Yogi Berra....really! So let me try to understand your reasoning, you were trying to come up with another example of a great come back story and your mind switched from a legit sports hero to a politician? and your best fit was Donald J Trump?

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I look for examples that people can relate to. Like him or not, Donald Trump's comeback from defeat in 2020 to win decisively in 2024 was a current event that aligned with the statement "It's not over until it's over." It was a comeback story for the record books. Both policital parties will be studying the strategies and tactics used in the past election cycle to modify how they campaign. There are many other great comebacks in history - but in this case I leaned into one of the most current events in history to make the connection.

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